Peace of mind with powerful DevOps

Starting from 10 hours per week


Peace of mind with powerful DevOps

Starting from 1/4 part-time job

Our Features


A team of Israel Ninjas with Israeli work ethic and a clear understanding that downtimes are worth money. We will stand by whenever you need us, you will receive a DevOps team that doesn't rely on one person alone, so don’t let that reserve duty call/sick leave/holiday scare you.

Flexible services

We know things can change quickly – and so can we! Our services are 100% flexible and can be changed with only 30 days’ notice! Have a large-scale implementation project coming up? No worries, we’ll take more weekly hours. All set? We’ll switch to a small maintenance job.


Building an architecture, due diligence documents, considering all the factors in planning the right architecture for you, security, cost, redundancy, etc., combining various professionals to get the optimal result.


Smooth migration to AWS gave us the peace of mind we needed. The professional
support and dedication from Whist, Diana, Ariel and the team helped us meet PCI and
GDPR regulations and obtain the certifications, with weekly follow-up meetings and full
transparency in working on our JIRA.


Dan, CTO

Everything just works! I use DevOps and NOC24/7 services. Whist has exceptional
performance and I trust them 100%. Fast fault monitoring, availability and
Professionalism. This is the best thing that has happened to my business!


Lidor, CTO

The very fact that I have been working with whist for 9 years in a row says it all! Prior to
working with Whist, I had a server in the US and I encountered too many problems. I had
to make a change, and transferring to Whist was the best decision I made! I get full
support, professional DevOps services, and constant availability. I feel that I receive
above and beyond from Whist.


Ronen, CTO

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